Engulf (working in progress artworks)
The newest body of work in the As the Grow Glows series, continues to explore the relentless spread of the air potato vine. I wanted to highlight how the vine covers every bush, flower, and even climbs to the tops of trees, blanketing everything in its path until it becomes nearly the only plant in sight. When capturing this experience through traditional photography, the true aggression of its spread wasn’t fully conveyed.
Building upon the creation of In Knots and working outside of the frame, I pushed this idea further by considering how this plant doesn’t just invade, it engulfs. This realization led me to explore new ways of visually and physically extending the work beyond the frame, allowing the vine’s relentless presence to take over the entire exhibition space itself. Through these new works, I emphasize not only the suffocating force of the vine but also the unsettling beauty of its dominance, mirroring the broader environmental consequences of unchecked invasive species.